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Our retail store

213 S Division St, Stoughton, WI 53589

(608) 873-5542

Mon - By Appointment
Tue-Wed - 12:00pm – 08:00pm
Thu - 10:00am – 08:00pm
Fri - 9:00am – 02:00pm
Sat - 9:00am – 01:00pm
Sun - Closed

(Times may vary based on each individual providers schedule)

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Sarah & the entire CS team areoutstanding!They have are dedicated to aunique, and relaxed environment, but arealways thinking of innovative ways toenhance experience! 10/10 - Love!


I love Cornerstone Spa in Stoughton. I received a 1/2 day spa package for my birthday and couldn't have been happier with all the services. The massage was one of the best I've ever had(HONESTLY!!! and I've even been to Thailand, Taiwan & Vietnam) and the polish on my nails stayed beautiful for weeks!That's NEVER happened to me before. I normally have them chipped the next day.Thank you so much! I can't wait to do it again. 


Very friendly and personable staff. Highly recommend!


Most amazing salon around! 


Corner Stone is the most ideal place to get any beauty service done! Sarah's massages are incredibly relaxing and help immensely with my chronic back pain!Falicia, Betsy, and Lori's cuts are always perfect! They know exactly what I like and never let me leave the chair until | am100% pleased with the result! The products sold here are organic, eco-friendly and cruelty free which is a cause I am passionate about! I recommend CornerStone to everyone I know regardless of their age, gender, and personal style!
